Grade 11 English
Grade 11 English
Term 2
Class novel: Lullabies for Little Criminals
Read up until the following pages for the following dates (on average, 10 pages per day):
November 22nd: page 140
November 29th: page 184
*2nd talks will take place on this day -
December 6th: page 230
December 14th: page 285
December 20th: page 330 (finish book)
*3rd and final talks will take place on this day
Child Development Assignment
-> Child development analysis due: December 7th
-> Presentation dates: December 12th/13th ​
Term 1
Text Analysis Using a Literary Lens
-> In-class talks: October 25th and 26th
Full Reading Response (written on one of the 5 short stories read in class)
-> Response due: October 28th
Short Story Unit
Year-long Assignments
Quick Writes (Competency: Talk)​
Worth 10% of your Term 1 Production grade
GOAL: Write for the full amount of time, complete all quick writes, and engage meaningfully with the prompts.​
Independent Reading (Competency: Reading)​
Worth 10% of your Reading grade each term
​GOAL: Track your reading, come to
conference ready, engage meaningfully
with your text, and push your reading habits.