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Art Attack: LTM's first ever end of year art show 

In 2017, I organized​ an end of year art show at Lake of Two Mountains High School with the help of many amazing students and staff members. This was LTM's first ever art show and it showcased Grade 7-11 artwork, live music from a student band, and live paintings from five Secondary 5 students. The students' live paintings were sold as well as student-made Mythical Creature colouring books, and we raised over $350 for Canadian Red Cross' flood relief efforts in Québec. 

Here are a few pictures from the event*. Each caption will include a brief description of the project pictured as well as a link to the project's page where you can get more information and see more of the work up-close. 


*All photos from LTM's Facebook page and posted with parental media consent. 

Our show poster to advertise the event in school and online

An overview of the show, with Artist Dinner Party and Masks on display, along with our live painters. 

Another view of the show, with Artist Dinner Party and Album Art Re-imagined on display. 

Our talented and enthusiastic live painters, who donated their time and creativity to benefit the Red Cross' flood relief efforts. 

Our Artist Dinner Party, 'A Seat at the Table', inspired by Judy Chicago's Dinner Party installation. Each plate setting was designed by Secondary 5 students, with a specific contemporary artist in mind. The plates were inspired by the chosen artist's life and work, and were created to showcase why the artist deserves a (metaphorical) seat at the table.

In the image above, we can see plates designed for Brian Jungen (top left), Audrey Kawasaki (bottom left) Shepherd Fairey (top center), Robert and Shana ParkeHarrison (bottom center), NeSpoon (top right), and Vivian Maier (bottom right). 

Our 'Masked Emotions' project had students in Grade 7, 9 and 11 create multimedia masks to portray one or more emotions of their choice. Each piece included a short write-up from the student-artist, which helped to explain the student's choices and intentions. This project was inspired by Yehudit Silverman's Seeds of Hope show at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts.   


In the picture on the right, we can see a range of emotions portrayed, including disoriented, anger/depression, curiosity, love, happiness, caged in, insanity, melancholy, confusion, overwhelmed and tangled words. 

Posters inspired by Barbara Kruger, from Secondary 5 

students. Created in Kruger's signature black, white and red style, each poster aimed to take a critical stance on an aspect of contemporary society by pairing a found black and white photograph with a well-crafted strong statement. 

Album Art Re-imagined from Secondary 2, 3 and 4 students. Each student chose a favourite album of their choice and re-imagined the album art onto a recycled vinyl record. By selecting colours, shapes, images, and lines from the original, each student had a unique palette that they could then use to 'remix' into a reimagined piece. 

Picasso-inspired self-portraits, created by Secondary 1, 2, and 3 students.

Metal embossed patterns by Secondary 1 students. 

Scanner Photography by Secondary 5 students.

Watercolour animals that are vulnerable or endangered by Secondary 1 and 2 students.  

Andy Warhol-inspired Pop Art Paintings by Secondary 1,2 and 3 students. 

© 2018 by Pamela Bussey. All rights reserved.

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